
Crystaldiskinfo c5 c6 seatools long fix fail
Crystaldiskinfo c5 c6 seatools long fix fail

Some of them return the number in decimal, this drive reports most of the numbers in hexidecimal, and some unfriendly drives might even report numbers that were encrypted or something (fortunately that's not common). Different manufacturers of hard drives return different things in this column. The "Raw" value may or may not be the actual value of the attribute. If the "Threshold" value is 000, that means there is no threshold, the ranking system is irrelevant and the Raw column has data for example, for a HDD there is no maximum number of Power-On Hours Count, you just want to know how many hours the HDD has been run so it doesn't need a rank. The "Threshold" column is the score in the ranking system that would indicate the drive is probably failing. Here, except for the temperature and Spin Up Time, all of the "Worst" values are equal to the "Value" values, meaning none of them have fallen from the best possible rank. The "Worst" column is the drive's current score on that attribute's rank. So for an attribute that has a "Value" of 200, that means 200 is the best, 199 is the next best, and you have no idea how much it takes to go from 200 to 199. The ranking doesn't represent the actual value, any more than it would to say the person who came in first place won 20 points by finishing the race in 3 minutes 38 seconds, the person who came in second won 7 points by finishing the race in 5 minutes 2 seconds, and so forth they would still be ranked 1 and 2, and there's no way for you to know what the actual value is from the rank. Here, 200 is the winner, 199 came in second place, and so on. It's backwards to what we would usually think of a rank system, where #1 is the winner, #2 came in second place, and so forth.

crystaldiskinfo c5 c6 seatools long fix fail

The "Value" column shows the maximum possible ranking some of these are ranked 200 to 0, some are 139 to 0, and so on, where 200 is the best possible ranking and 0 is the worst possible ranking.

crystaldiskinfo c5 c6 seatools long fix fail

SMART readings are not very intuitive (okay, totally confusing) if you haven't seen them before.

Crystaldiskinfo c5 c6 seatools long fix fail